
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Gabrielle Edney” ,找到相关结果约751条。
Recognition of allergic conjunctivitis in patients with allergic rhinitis
Daniel C Williams, Gabrielle Edney, Bianca Maiden, Peter K Smith
World Allergy Organization Journal , 2013, DOI: 10.1186/1939-4551-6-4
Abstract: One hundred and eighty seven consecutive patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) were directly questioned if they have allergic conjunctivitis (AC) and this was clarified using standard screening questions relating to red, itchy and watery eyes recorded through a total ocular symptom score (TOSS). Patients were also asked about further symptoms that may be attributable to AC: eyelid dermatitis, frequent blinking; eye sensitivity and frontal headache from squinting or. blinking. All patients were given a drop of olopatadine hydrochloride 0.1% in each eye to help identify “silent” disease. 20 healthy non-atopic controls were also treated with olopatadine drops and questioned on ocular symptoms.Fifty five percent of patients with AR were identified as having AC by direct questioning and the use of the TOSS questionaire. A further 41% were identifiable by asking additional questions and performing therapeutic challenge with olopadatine.AC is a frequent comorbid condition occurring in 95% of our patients with AR. Only 55% of patients were able to identify that they had AC based on standard screening questions. Additional specific questioning and a therapeutic challenge in suspected patients can help identify patients who may benefit from treatment of AC.Allergic conjunctivitis (AC) commonly manifests as itchy, watering or red eyes, which comprise the symptoms of the total ocular symptom scores (TOSS) [1-3].The incidence of AC in developed countries is 20% [4-6] with a high co-morbidity of allergic rhinitis (AR) [5,6]. Recognition of AC is unreported even in patients with recognised AR [6,7]. Under-recognition of AR is common, with the proportion of undiagnosed AR patients ranging from 25–60% [8].Clinically, it is apparent that AC patients have heightened sensitivity, tending to blink and squint more, contributing to frontal tension headaches. Rubbing of eyelids can contribute to dermatitis, with patients focusing more on the dermatitis than conjunctival symptoms.Olopatadine
Denyse Edney
Literacy and Numeracy Studies , 2009,
Abstract: What should professionalism mean in the literacy field? Quigley cites the results of a survey of literacy practitioners. According to one participant, ‘To act “professionally” in literacy and adult education is to self-educate in professional development.’ Another replied that literacy practitioners act professionally when they view ‘students as most valued clients and attempt to engage their individual needs and goals within a high-quality program of basic skills instruction.’ The theme of caring was one of the strongest points made. Quigley quoted from another survey participant: ‘To act professionally in adult literacy one is service-oriented, friendly and accountable. A professional is ethical (with) strong values, especially those pertaining to literacy and the population one serves’.
A história da publica??o do mapa da América do Norte de John Mitchell de 1755
Edney, Matthew H.;
Varia Historia , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-87752007000100003
Abstract: this article analyses the john mitchell's eight-sheet, map of the british and french dominions in north america, first published in 1755. this map poses a significant challenge to the traditional approaches to the history of cartography in which maps are studied according to the regions they depict rather than the contexts within which they were made and used. in particular, we must organize our historical narratives and cartobibliographies around not the regions and places mapped, but rather the contexts within which maps were made and used.
Issues of Attraction and Retention of Nurses: Job Control, Time and Work-Family Issues  [PDF]
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay
Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies (JHRSS) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/jhrss.2021.94033
Abstract: Over the years there have been many challenges in attracting and retaining various workers, especially in the health sector, and for nurses in particular. Literature has often mentioned the increased difficulties in attracting and retaining young nurses in particular and this increases labour shortage due to the demographic evolution and also to retirement of many nurses. With the aging of population, we see an increase in demand for health services, which makes the labor shortage even more preoccupying. Two main issues have been put forward a few years ago in order to try to explain the difficulty in attracting and retaining nurses: work organization and Lean Management, in particular job control and work-family balance issues. We conducted a research in Canada (Québec) with an online questionnaire sent to a sample of nurses. The article presents the result in the form of descriptive statistics. In this article, we address these challenges and identify the elements on which the Health Department and hospitals could act in order to increase the number of nurses, and more specifically to attract and retain more. For this, two main issues are addressed in the literature that is firstly work-life issues, and second, work organization, including (lean) management and job control, which we discuss here. These results could also be useful for attraction and retention of other health personnel and also for managers facing labor shortages in other sectors.
Structural and Electronic Properties of Impurities on Boron Nitride Nanotube  [PDF]
Gabrielle P. Soares, Silvete Guerini
Journal of Modern Physics (JMP) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2011.28102
Abstract: The structural and electronic properties of molybdenum and magnesium substitution doping in (10,0) boron nitride nanotube (BNNT), are investigated through first-principle calculations. The electronic band structures results indicate that the molybdenum doped systems behave as n-type impurity. However, the magnesium doped systems behave as p-type impurity when magnesium replaces boron, and as a n-type impurity when the magnesium replaces nitrogen. The analysis of the energies formation shows that the molybdenum replacing a boron and nitrogen atoms are more favorable than the magnesium substitution in boron and nitrogen.
A comparison between reported and ideal patient-to-therapist ratios for stroke rehabilitation  [PDF]
Gabrielle McHugh, Ian D. Swain
Health (Health) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/health.2013.56A2016

Objective: Major improvement has been made in the medical management of stroke in the UK between 2008 and 2010 based on the indicators measured in the National Sentinel Audit. However based on the same audit, no corresponding improvement has been effected to patient functional impairment levels on hospital discharge in the corresponding time frame. This study derived patient-to-therapist ratios as a means of exploring the amount of rehabilitation time for stroke patients while in hospital care. Method: A purpose specific survey was developed for completion by stroke teams. From a contact list compiled primarily in collaboration with the 28 National Stroke Improvement Networks, the Nth name technique was used to target stroke teams in each geographical area covered by the 28 networks. Results: A total of 53 surveys were returned representing 20 of the 28 network areas providing 71% national coverage. Analysis conducted on 19 of the 37 inpatient hospital care units that were discrete units, had no missing data for staff numbers, unit bed numbers, number of stroke patients treated per annum, average unit length-of-stay, and unit occupancy rates. Staffing levels for some therapies were below the Department of Health staffing assumptions suggesting that stroke units are challenged to provide the recommended therapy time. Conclusions: Most stroke units surveyed are operating below the DH staffing assumption levels and are therefore challenged in providing the amount of therapy and patient time recommended in the National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidelines to facilitate optimal functional recovery for stroke patients.

The Morphosyntactic Interface of Determiner Phrases  [PDF]
Gabrielle Klassen, John W. Schwieter
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics (OJML) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ojml.2013.34047
Abstract: The functional category of determiners has undergone a number of representational changes in the last half century. Beginning with Abney in 1987 and as early as work by Brame (1981, 1982) and Postal (1966), linguists began to adapt the notion that determiners were a type of functional category with phrasal structure, and not specifiers of noun phrases. The flexibility allotted to this category to hold a significant role in syntactic structure has led to theories of feature and feature strength and the development of these features in first and second language acquisition. This paper seeks to review the current theories of syntactic structure of determiner phrases in English and universally. In particular, it examines one area of controversy regarding this category, namely nominal gender agreement, and how this affects applied areas of linguistics. Recent studies seem to favor specific transfer theories, however the default hypothesis that arises leaves much to be considered. From the discussion, we argue that gender feature agreement in L1 and L2 acquisition is distinct and merits further investigation, perhaps benefiting from the recent developments in the area of psycholinguistics.
The political economy of the assessment of value of new health technologies
Hossein Afzali,Jonathan Karnon,Laura Edney
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/1355819617751816
Abstract: Health technology assessment provides a common framework for evaluating the costs and benefits of new health technologies to inform decisions on the public funding of new pharmaceuticals and other health technologies. In Australia and England, empirical analyses of the opportunity costs of government spending on new health technologies suggest more quality adjusted life years are being forgone than are being gained by a non-trivial proportion of funded health technologies. This essay considers the relevance of available empirical estimates of opportunity costs and explores the relationship between the public funding of health technologies and broader political and economic factors. We conclude that the benefits of a general reduction in the prices paid by governments for new technologies outweigh the costs, but evidence of informed public acceptance of reduced access to new health technologies may be required to shift the current approach to assessing the value of new health technologies
Determinación de la actividad endo-proteolítica en cebada malteada
Blanca Gómez Guerrero,Michael J. Edney
- , 2013,
Abstract: La hidrólisis de las proteínas de cebada en péptidos y aminoácidos es uno de los procesos más importantes en la germinación de la cebada. La degradación de las proteínas de reserva del endosperma promueven tanto el aumento de la concentración de nitrógeno amínico como la modificación del endosperma, facilitando la movilidad del agua y, por ende, de las enzimas. La actividad proteolítica es el resultado de actividades conjuntas de exo- y endo-peptidasas. Las proteínas de cebada son solubilizadas inicialmente por las endo-peptidasas y luego por las exo-peptidasas. Se han descrito cuatro tipos de endo-peptidasas: serin, cisteín, aspartic y metalo. El objetivo del trabajo consistió en la puesta a punto de un método enzimático para determinar la actividad endo-proteolítica de estas cuatro enzimas, utilizando un método rápido, colorimétrico, con dos sustratos diferentes: azo-gelatina y azo-caseína. Se optimizaron las condiciones de ensayo: pH, tiempo y temperatura de reacción. El sustrato azo-gelatina presentóvarias dificultades para estandarizar un método colorimétrico que sea reproducible. En cambio, el sustrato azo-caseína fue muy consistente y permitió realizar las curvas de estandarización para las cuatro enzimas. Luego el método se aplicó exitosamente para la determinación de la actividad endo-proteolítica en cebada, malta y mosto cervecero
Desigualdades na divis?o do trabalho familiar, sentimento de justi?a e processos de compara??o social
Análise Psicológica , 2010,
Abstract: the studies conducted on family organization have shown that, in spite of the mass entry of women into the labour market, there have been only few changes in the way spouses divide the family work. as a result, unequal family practices are maintained in societies based on an egalitarian ethics without, paradoxically, producing a feeling of injustice. this observation has been at the origin of several attempts of explanation, one of those being that the comparisons made by women are selective and lead them to view the unequal division of family work as appropriate. the present paper questions this explanation and attempts to show that most comparisons between men and women lead to evaluate similar behaviours in a different way, because they are adjusted to the traditional gender roles and thus rest on double standards. it defends that using identical criteria for the judgments of men and women’s competences and roles is an indispensable condition to achieve more justice in our society.

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